More on the Horseman (Pagan Blog Project, Week 16)


Last week, I posted a poem about the Horseman. Previously, I have written about Sabazios, one of the versions of the Thracian Horseman, and linked to others’ excellent writings about Him.

What’s so special about a guy on a horse?


The image of a Hero (yes, another one of the Thracian Horseman’s names) riding on a horse, either into battle or off to save some innocent in distress, has been with us longer than writing. Even prehistoric cave paintings have horses and riders in them.

There is something epic about the horse: a living, breathing vehicle, that we’ve lost in our modern world of automobiles. Continue reading

Honoring the Horseman (Pagan Blog Project, Week 15)


under stars the rider comes
hooves dancing on rock
spear clattering
horse snorting
wind whispering
His name

terror and safety
war and peace
growing and dying
He spears Himself
breaks open earth
rides off with the prize

horseman protect
as you destroy
build as you tear down
live as you die

Going Quiet (Pagan Blog Project, Week 14)


Sometimes, I have nothing to say, believe it or not.

This week has been one of those times. I’m dealing both with many things happening offline, and with some deep spiritual thinking and working around my practice, none of which has progressed to the place where I can put it into words. Going quiet is what I do, rather than simply filling the silence with noise.

Sometimes, quiet is good.

Have a great week, and I’ll be back with a more substantive post next Friday.